Monday, 27 June 2016

The Newburn River Run 2016

George Stephenson's Cottage on Keelsmans Way

Race No. 69

I didn't have far to travel for the Newburn River Run, just a few miles down river by car, before running back to Wylam via Keelman's Way and George Stephenson's Cottage (above).

Of course, I then had to run back to Newburn, but that's running for you.

Having lived in Wylam for thirty years, I wouldn't like to think of how many times I have ran this route, but in all that time I have always been surprised at the  time difference between training runs and racing.

Going back some twenty years, I was always disappointed that I couldn't break forty minutes for the 6.5 mile loop, my best being 41 minutes. Even then, my training runs were nearer 50 minutes. Now it is nearer 60 minutes for training, what could I race it in?

Lining up at the start, I was just behind my friendly rival, Harry Matthews,  representing the organising club, Elswick. Harry had  told me that his next birthday would take him out of the V65 category in January. He also mentioned that the top runner in our category, Mark McNally, another Elswick runner, would join him in the V70 category next April. Any hope that this would give me an opening for top spot, was soon dashed when I remembered that there is always fresh new talent arriving in whichever age category you occupy.

Then the race started and I set off with the front runners. A glance at my Forerunner told me I was at 5.55 pace, too fast and I eased off. At least I was now running at a comfortable pace as the first mile passed in 6.44. Every mile which followed was a few seconds slower, maybe, just maybe I have been overdoing it?

At the end I recorded 48.40 for 95th position. Harry Matthews was 51st in 45.31 (1st V60) and Mungai Wairia, (Claremont) was 92nd (2nd V60) relegating me to 3rd V60. Other Tynedale Harriers recorded:
50.04 Nick Wilson 115th
53.44 Louise Griffin 157th
58.47 Lucie Ellman  219

266 ran.

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