Friday, 23 December 2016

A Christmas Update

But not the one I wanted for Christmas
A Christmas Elf

Afie & Granpops

Great North Runners with the same family expression

Great Granma Cochrane knitted this jacket

Dad shows Alfie how to take his first steps
As I jogged through Throckley Woods a couple of days ago I was thinking happy thoughts.
- I could do Prudhoe Riverside Parkrun on Saturday.
- Then follow it up on New Years Eve.
- A weekly race for the next few months would complete my challenge by my birthday on 29th      March.
- I feel good!

Three miles under the belt and I turned for home. Later that day it hit me, unbelieveable tiredness. By bedtime I felt so ill that I began thinking the worst. The next day, yesterday, I still felt weak. Today, I sought advice/ reassurance from the Stroke Unit.

Stroke fatigue is normal, rest (damn you!). It seems that adrenal and the release of endorphins was all that was keeping me going as I ran. Afterwards, fatigue is normal. So, for me, it is rest and in a week, or two, I can walk quickly and maybe, just maybe, jog a very short distance. Let your body tell you what you can do. Ok, I accept.

With Christmas almost here, I must be thankful for the most important thing in life, my family. I have been lucky to have had just a mini stroke, now I must thank God for that and being here and able to enjoy a happy Christmas.

As a follow up to my last post ' I'm only human after all' , Rag'n'Bone Man is looking like being No. 1 for Christmas in the charts. He is already number 1 in I Tunes (?). You heard it here first.

Monday, 12 December 2016

I'm Only Human After All

An update to my running challenge

With Izzi , the inspiration for my original challenge, on Helvellyn, plus fellow Harriers

Mum and dad (Flight Sergeant Ronald Graham) 1946

My grandfather, (William) Monkhouse Graham was born in 1900 and served as a 16 year old in the First World War until his mother pointed out his age and was able to reclaim him from the front line. He went on to live a very ordinary life. You could say he didn't really achieve much, but he was a smashing chap. I can never recall him saying a bad word about anyone, never swore, shouted, or had a bad mood, ever. He did not have a day's illness in his life, until the very end, when 74 years old, he suffered a massive stroke. Even then he fought it courageously and when I visited him in Sunderland General Hospital, he couldn't speak but still pointed me out to his nurse. I could see that he was as proud of me, as I was of him. I loved Granda and know that he would hate to think that he left an unwanted legacy to me, but it would appear that he did.

My dad, Ronald (Ronnie) Graham, born 1923, like his father, Will, he never had a single day's illness. He never smoked, was always fit and lived a healthy life style, but in his sixties suffered a stroke. Not a massive one like Granda, but enough to take away his ability to swallow. It meant that for sixteen hours a day he took all nourishment through a tube into his stomach. After eighteen months, the doctors said that his system's ability to take nourishment normally would have atrophied, but he did not accept that and continued to take a single drop of malt whisky onto his tongue every day to keep his taste buds working. Over two years passed before he was able to actually swallow, but he did and for the rest of his life, almost twenty years, was able to eat, albiet slowly, in the normal way.

At this point you may wonder what this family history has to do with a running log recording one hundred races from my 65th birthday. Please bear with me.

I was always aware that I had a marginally increased risk of suffering a stoke myself because of the family history( Just today, my elder brother, William Monkhouse Graham, told me that Great Grandfather also suffered a stroke at age 74 years. In his case death was instantaneous). To reduce the risk further I have never smoked, and kept myself fairly fit. In my thirties when my lifestyle, desk/ company car/ expense account,  started to impinge on my weight and fitness I started running. It was not long before I found that I was pretty good runner and after joining Tynedale Harriers, soon had my 10k times below 40 minutes and 10 miles below 65 minutes. These were my average race times until I hit my fifties, infact, in my fifties I was able to get around the Hexhamshire Hobble's 10.5 mile Fell Race in 1hr.15mins. The latter race has particular significance to this blog as I was not able to compete in last Sunday's race after a incident the previous evening.

Whilst sitting in my armchair watching 'Celebrity',  I must have been bored - no surprise there - and started working on my stiff neck. Click, click, went my stiff upper vertebrae as I nodded up and down, then crack, crack as I moved my head from side to side. Then I stood up and was in trouble. I felt weak and when I tried to speak, I was slurring my words.

Yes, I did worry about a possible stroke, but I didn't feel ill - as an endurance runner pain is just something you accept. Muriel asked if we should go to Casualty. "What at 10pm on a Saturday night?" I replied. " Let's see how I am tomorrow."

The next morning my speech had improved to the point that it sounded just a little short tongued. "Would you Google -  'sudden onset of short tongued', Muriel, please." I asked. Well, you might guess that there was a website that provided an acceptable answer, 'Short tongued Syndrome', easily cured by a visit to your chiropractor, and that is what I did. My Chiropractor, Russell, at Hexham Family Chiropractic, soon put a stop to that nonsense.

To cut a long story short, my blood pressure, heart rate, etc., are what you would expect from a runner, a CAT scan was also ok, but we have a wonderful N.H.S and that was not enough to give me a clean bill of health, to cut out any doubts I was given a MRI scan and I have suffered a stoke.

Until the doctor told me this I would not accept that I had a problem. After he left the room I shed tears, not I hope, of self pity, but frustration and disbelief. How could I, a super athlete, possessing almost super human powers ( I exaggerate ) be human after all?

For the moment my 100 race challenge must come to an end. I will try to append my progress in the original 65forizzi challenge and the 100 race challenge to this blog - my IT skills are not very good, but bear with me. I do hope to come back to the challenge, but it is better if I do not put myself under any pressure in this respect right now.

 For the moment have a look at what I have actually achieved over the last 19/20 months, then look at  Rag'n'Bone Man-Human (Official Video)- Youtube, it has been quite a shock to accept but,
                I'M ONLY HUMAN AFTER ALL.


March 29th 2015- March 2016

Date Race Event                     Time Overall Finishing
29-Mar 1 Hartlepool Marina 5 mile 36.27 173 3rd V65 516 ran
7-Apr 2 Monthly Mile S Shields 6.27 20 na 79 ran
12-Apr 3 Blyth Valley 10k 45.34 296 3rd  V65 563 ran
18-Apr 4 Park Run Ncle 5K 21.44 147 3rd V65 646 ran
19-Apr 5 Gibside Great Run Local 5K 24.28 8 n/a 51 ran. 
22-Apr 6 Keswick Round the Houses 46.11 88 3rd V60 186 ran
25-Apr 7 Park Run Ncle 5K 22.44 149 2nd V65 601 ran
4-May 8 Ashington Triathlon 88.48 190 4th 1st 5k 
5-May 9 Les Allcorn 10K, Alnwick 45.53 57 2nd V60 125 ran
10-May 10 Great Run Local 5K 25.05 6 n/a 45 ran
13-May 11 Latrigg Short Fell Race 28.5 67 3rd V60 87 ran
24-May 12 Gibside Great Run Local 24.3 10 n/a 50 ran
27-May 13 George Ogle Mem. 6m 43.13 66 1st V60 195 ran
6-Jun 14 Grasmere gallop Trail Race 50.12 25 1st V60 305 ran
9-Jun 15 Blaydon Race 40.13 621 3rd V65 3825 ran
13-Jun 16 Park Run , Ncle 22.2 100 1st V65 511 ran
17-Jun 17 Humbleton Hill Fell Race 47.18 31 2nd V60 59 ran
21-Jun 18 Lambton 10K 47.36 117 2nd V60 715 ran
1-Jul 19 Tynedale 10K 45.1 182 n/a no chip
5-Jul 20 Red Kite Trail Race 73.57 18 n/a 86 ran
15-Jul 21 Kirkley 10K 45.59 58 1st V65 165 ran
25-Jul 22 Park Run Ncle 5K 22.42 101 1st V65 439 ran
29-Jul 23 Wallington 10K 45.59 52 1st V65 158 ran
5-Sep 24 Gloucester Park Run 23.5 28 1st V65 180 ran
19-Sep 25 Ncle Park Run 25.07 218 1st V65 540 ran
27-Sep 26 Prudhoe Miners 10K 49.06 66 1st V 65 140 ran
3-Oct 27 Park Run Gibside 24.36 14 1st V 65 60 ran
4-Oct 28 Gt Run Local Gibside 25.54 7 1st V 65 54 ran
6-Oct 29 Monthly Mile South Shields 6.44 18 na 18/22
10-Oct 30 Sherman Cup 45.31 391 1st V65 464 ran
17-Oct 31 Gibside Trail Race 59.38 212 8th V60 442 ran
24-Oct 32 Park Run Newcastle 22.57 164 1st v60 562 ran
25-Oct 33 Great Run Local 5K 25.56 8 1st V55/65 57 ran
1-Nov 34 Derwentwater 10 mile 79.19 211 5th V65 436 ran
3-Nov 35 Monthly Mile 6.43 18 na 69 ran
3-Nov 36 Park Run Newcastle 24.16 118 1st v65 369 ran
8-Nov 37 Town Moor 10K 46.54 302 3rd V65 549 ran
15-Nov 38 Park Run Newcastle 23.38 123 1st V65 470 ran
21-Nov 39 Aykley HeadsCross country 54.52 459 2nd V65 592 ran
1-Dec 40 Monthly Mile 6.44 12 na 90 ran
6-Dec 41 Park Run Ncle 5K 25.32 192 4th V65 363 ran
19-Dec 42 Saltwell 10K 49.36 190 5th V65 419 ran
20-Dec 43 Gibside 5K 27.03 na na fun run
5-Jan 44 Monthly mile S. Shields 7.19 14 na 47 ran
30-Jan 45 Riverside Parkrun 24.54 104 2nd v65 229 ran
2-Feb 46 Monthly mile 7.02 13 na 47 ran
6-Feb 47 No Ego Head Torch Lambton 45.56 44 1st v60 180 Ran
13-Feb 48 Park Run Finsbury Park 24.27 96 1st V65 261 ran
20-Feb 49 Park Run Newcastle 23.25 115 1st v65 490 ran
2-Mar 50 Monthly Mile South Shields 6.45 7 na 46 ran
12-Mar 51 Riverside Park Run 22.47 65 2nd V65 231 ran
13-Mar 52 Gibside Great Run Local 24.42 6 na 71 ran
26-Mar 53 Park Run Newcastle 22.47 93 3rd V65 457 ran
27-Mar 54 N. Tyne 10K 45.46 331 1st v65 1779 ran
3 Apl 55 Blyth V. 10K 45.54 221 4th V65 498 ran
10 Apl  56 Sandancer 10K 46.33 130 6th V60 400ran
16 Apl 57 Park Run Town Moor 22.47 135 1st V65 515 ran
20 Apl 58 Keswick 10K 47.01 89 1st V60 179 ran
23 Apl 59 Parkrun Ncle 22.01 131 1st V65 684 ran
26 Apl 60 Spadeadam 10K 46.52 4 3rd male 18 ran
26 Apl 61 Riverside Parkrun 22.28 42 2nd V65 223 ran
1-May 62 Sunderland 10K 46.01 202 2nd V60 1809 ran
3-May 63 Les Allcorn 10K, Alnwick 45.46 57 2nd V60 139 ran
21-May 64 Park Run Town Moor 22.34 117 1st V65 651 ran
25-May 65 George Ogle Mem. 6m 43.03 61 2nd V60 171 ran
Going for 100

1-Jun 66 Vindolanda 10K 48.06 40 1st V65 153 ran
4-Jun 67 Grasmere Gallop 10K 50.35 41 2nd V65 348 ran
9-Jun 68 Blaydon Race 40.08 729 2nd V65 4129 ran
15-Jun 69 Newburn River Run 48.4 95 3rd V60 266 ran
22-Jun 70 Humbleton Hill Fell Race 48.19 32 1st V60 60
25-Jun 71 Gibside Parkrun 24.24 19 1st V65 93 ran
3-Jul 72 Great North 10K 46.55 514 1st V65 NA 5,000
6-Jul 73 Tynedale 10K 45.16 160 2nd V65 379 ran
20-Jul 74 Wallington 10K 48.36 34 1st V65 159 ran
24-Jul 75 Great Run Local 5K 30.27 21 na ran 6k
17-Aug 76 Stamfordham10K 46.25 35 1st v65 139 ran
3-Sep 77 Rising Sun Parkrun 22.29 30 1st V65 178
11-Sep 78 Great North Run 1.42.43 3068 1st V65 57K ran
18-Sep 79 Tynedale 10 mile 1.25.30 35 2nd V60 109 ran
24-Sep 80 Townmoor Parkrun 22.35 109 2ndv65 553 ran
15-Oct 81 Townmoor Parkrun 22.52 159 3rd V65 643 ran
29-Oct 82 Townmoor Parkrun 22.2 162 2nd v65 650 ran
30-Oct 83 Great Run Local 5K 25.24 14 1st v65 80 ran
13-Nov 84 Prudhoe Parkrun 25.24 85 2nd v65 295 ran
26-Nov 85 Prudhoe Parkrun 25.02 21 1st v65 108 ran

To be continued